Do you have good lawn practices?

There are many factors to consider when investing in your lawn care. If your lawn is not properly taken care of then is worth it coming from your pockets? We all know that money is the biggest factor in everything we care for.

What are the common questions all homeowners ask for watering? How often should I water my lawn? Is watering my lawn the only way to keep it healthy. How long do I wait to water after I receive a treatment?

Luckily, we are here to help you a great homeowner a friend and anyone who wants to keep a healthy lawn .

What time should I water my lawn?

Although many of us have daily lives that includes working, etc. so when is the best time to water morning watering improve water penetration with the help of the warm sun to help moisture absorb into the soil and dry any extra water droplets have you ever heard of the expression, the rain saved me money. Remember that you should always water the lawn at least 1 inch of water per week to prosper.

How long should I water for?

Water the lawn thoroughly to stimulate deep roof growth. This can be done by using your sprinkler system sprinkler hose attachment or even just hand watering for 45 minutes to one hour per zone every week. A deep consistent soak will provide enough moisture into the soil, allowing you to go several days before needing to water again.

More watering information unless otherwise told by a lawn care professional.

  • Your lawn must receive 1 inch of precipitation weekly 
  • Bermuda: 
    • April to September 45-60 minutes per zone weekly
    • October to March 30 minutes per zone weekly
  • Fescue: 
    • April to September 30 minutes 3 times weekly per zone
    • October to March 30 minutes per zone weekly

Is watering my lawn the only way to keep my lawn healthy?

According to OKSTATE.EDU Lawn Watering tips :

    •    Know your soil type. Sandy soils need lighter, more frequent watering but clayey soils need heavier, less frequent watering. Applying water faster than it can soak into the soil will cause water (and your money) to run off the lawn!

    •    Aerate your lawn regularly. This improves water movement through the soil and aides in root development.

    •    Do not mow your lawn too short. Grass acts as a natural mulch, retaining soil moisture and shading out weeds. As a rule of thumb, mow bermudagrass and zoysiagrass at 2-3 inches and buffalograss and tall fescue at 3-4 inches.

    •    Leave grass clippings on lawn.

The list may long, but that is why the lawn professionals are there to help you as OK state your Bermuda grass must be mowed no shorter than 2 inches. It is a best practice to mow after an application or two days before and water before if possible. Did you know that leaving clippings on your lawn is actually beneficial? Leaving the clippings means it will leave behind the bermuda seeds to help fill in any spots naturally or organically as many say. 

Be water savvy

If you have a sprinkler system, make sure you set up your time accordingly if not, create a schedule that works best for you. A good technician will always provide instructions after each service.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the professionals always remember your 5 Star lawn team is just a call away.

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